Since childhood, I have been fascinated by technology, automobiles, motorcycles, and all kinds of machines. It is no surprise that during my university studies, I decided to pursue a business in a unique and rather specific segment – the field of mechanical watches.

This hidden world of precise mechanics continues to captivate me to this day. For me, mechanical watch is more than just a tool for measuring time. They are the perfect fusion of craftsmanship, engineering precision, and timeless aesthetics. They have the ability to "tame" one of the most abstract concepts – time – in a way that has endured for centuries. The history of the first mechanical clocks dates back as far as the 13th century, following the era of sundials, water clocks, and hourglasses.

Unlike mass-produced electronic watches, every mechanical watch has its own unique character – as if it possesses a soul of its own. They function without the need for electronics or batteries, while simultaneously representing both an artistic masterpiece and an engineering marvel. For me, they are more than just an accessory – they are a legacy, carriers of stories, and a reflection of their owner's personality. In today's digital era, they offer a contrast in the form of traditional craftsmanship, a return to the roots.

After years of working in this watch bussines - filled with passion, continuous learning, discoveries, and challenges—the moment came when I decided to leave behind the familiar certainties and forge my own path. I wanted to create something truly unique – authentically Slovak, yet competitive on the global market. I met a talented designer and an exceptional individual, Miloš Jakubec, who is not only the co-founder of the brand but also an essential part of our company. Another key pillar of our brand is our head watchmaker, Vladimír Wágner, along with my wife, Janka, who takes care of customer service and sales.

Thus, the Biatec brand was born – Slovak watches inspired not only by the rich history of our country but also by the global heritage of watchmaking craftsmanship.

Peter Kožár - (founder, on the left) and Miloš Jakubec (co-founder of Biatec Watches)

And what does the word Biatec actually mean?

The word “Biatec” (or “Biatex”) originates probably from the name of a king who started to appear on the old Celtic coins minted in the area of today’s Bratislava (our capital) during the 1st century B.C. The name is also used to refer to the coin itself.

We wanted to make a strong connection between our brand name and our national heritage, so we named our brand Biatec. We also think that the minting of coins as metal objects has some connection with the production of watch cases, or buckles, since they are also made of metals and decorated with engraving, embossing, etc...

Our logo
Of course, as proud Slovaks, we wanted our logo to resemble the Slovak national emblem, to refer to Christianity, but at the same time to carry elements of the Celtic cross, because Biatec coins were minted by the Celts. A kind of combination of these elements created the Biatec brand logo, as a very strong and easily recognizable symbol that decorates our dials, casebacks, crowns or buckles. The Biatec brand with the emblem logo is also our registered trademark.

Our motto is simple yet powerful: “In search of perfection…”

Why “In search...”? Because we are human, and we know that perfection may be unattainable – for us and even for our watches. But our mission and vision are clear: to honor this motto and constantly strive to get closer to that elusive ideal with every new model we create.

Watches are all about details. Should we move an index half a millimeter up or down, left or right? Should we polish an edge or brush it? Each of these decisions represents hundreds of hours of meticulous work, where we pour in not only our expertise but also our passion. We believe that with every watch we craft, we are getting closer and closer to perfection.

To enable customers to purchase high-quality mechanical watches that last a lifetime — at a truly fair price. We strive to set our watch prices in a way that allows a Slovak customer to purchase a model from our standard collection for the average monthly salary in Slovakia. Our goal is to offer Swiss-quality craftsmanship while preserving Slovak heritage. You won’t find a Swiss watch inspired with Kriváň mountain or M.R. Štefánik on the dial. When it comes to quality, we stand behind our products with an unprecedented 5-year warranty on all our watches—completely free of additional charges. Our philosophy is direct online sales to ensure the best possible pricing for our customers, rather than spending on expensive brand ambassadors or large-scale advertising. Our watches are available only through a few carefully selected retailers, ensuring convenience for customers who may not be able to visit us in central Slovakia. We prefer a creative approach over a competitive one.

We aim to:

✔ Build a brand that makes not only us proud but also our best ambassadors—our customers!
✔ Bring the beauty of mechanical watches to a wider audience, encouraging people to shift away from technology and return to traditional mechanics—a return to our roots.
✔ Offer long-term sustainable products—a well-crafted mechanical watch can last a lifetime, unlike smartwatches, which need replacing every two to three years.
✔ Begin writing watchmaking history in Slovakia.
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